Share this postA SkepticDaily Report from the Ukraine Field for 2022-10-14May contain explicit contentThis post was automatically hidden by your content settings.Show anywayAdjust settingsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreDaily Report from the Ukraine Field for 2022-10-14News, Telegram, and Twitter ArticlesA SkepticOct 14, 2022∙ Paid7Share this postA SkepticDaily Report from the Ukraine Field for 2022-10-14May contain explicit contentThis post was automatically hidden by your content settings.Show anywayAdjust settingsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore2ShareA SkepticDaily Reports From Ukraine ArchivesThis is an ongoing collection of News, public Telegram, and public Twitter reporting from the field. They can be graphic. Due to the laws in Ukraine prohibiting internal reporting, the majority of these will be Russian. You will need Telegram and Twitter…Read more3 years ago · 5 likes · A SkepticScott Ritter ExtraRussia’s Final Pivot Toward Victory in UkraineLike Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia on the third day of Gettysburg, the Ukrainian military, by expending its strength in a series of pyrrhic offenses, has reached its high-water mark. As Ukraine prepares to enact its version version of “Pickett’s Charge” in Kherson, what remains of the Russian-Ukraine conflict is a long, bloody, and tragic path toward …Read more2 years ago · 25 likes · 2 comments · Scott RitterKeep reading with a 7-day free trialSubscribe to A Skeptic to keep reading this post and get 7 days of free access to the full post archives.Start trialAlready a paid subscriber? Sign inPreviousNext